Alright here are the week three results. First off I did go out of town this last week to Seattle, I can't say I did very well though. It wasn't a matter of eating bad as it was I just didn't eat enough! So this week I weight 172 gaining very little muscle and fat. Dan and I talked and realized that we are now behind our goal. We are going to drop the HST program and go to what we know works best. So my results should start to change drastically from here on out.
Recently we had a client in here who had gotten injured while training. They obviously weren't to excited about this. They got me thinking though. So I wanted to touch on my thoughts about this just a little. Now if anyone knows injury while training its me. I have had 3 surgeries on one shoulder in 4 years. I have torn my ligaments so much in one that it would no long hold my shoulder in socket, I have broken my arm arm wrestling, and then had to have the rod they put in my arm taken out. Injuries are a part of having a active lifestyle and training. We want to avoid them obviously, but remember even professional athletes get injured at the most inconvenient times. After every injury though I have loved proving to my self that I could always come back better and stronger. I mean right now I can bench more than 200 LBS, which is really good for having bad shoulders, but after surgery I was in golds gym only lifting the bar and STRUGGLING! It isn't always about getting to the goal, sometimes its just about the things your doing to get to your goal, that make it all worth it! The hard work you put into your goal is proof to your self on what you your self can accomplish when you set your mind to it. It's like that saying when we get knocked down, we get back up again. When we get back up come back better and more confident in knowing we can complete our goal even better than we had plan before we got injured. So message would be, there are no end points to our goals, just new and better ways to accomplish them.
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