Monday, January 17, 2011


This isn't one of the workouts I've done, this was one of my clients workout that I ran him through. It was pretty tough! He is doing more athletic training and his exercises are for more advance lifters, but you can still use some of the exercises in your own workout. If you do this workout make sure you have good form. I just thought it was a great workout and its a pretty quick one to do.

Warm-up: Barbells have no weight and light weighted dumbbells
Cleans 10 reps
Cleans+Jerks 10 reps
Cleans+Press 10 reps
Dumbbell swings 15 reps
Sumo Squat 15 Reps
Prison Squats 20 Reps (Fast Pace)

Cleans 2 Sets 10 Reps
Cleans+Press 1 Set 10 Reps
Dumbbell Swings 3 Sets 15 Reps
Dumbbell Sumo Squats 3 Sets 10 Reps
Prison Squats 3 Sets 15 Reps

The workout seems short, but do it right and you will be a sweaty mess! Enjoy!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

4 Sets 8 Reps

I don't know what I will title all these blogs with, but I will start simple. Right now all I am really trying to do is build muscle. So the numbers may not look like a lot, don't knock it until you try it though. Each day I am breaking down my muscle groups individually. So here it is: All weights are done with heavy weight and 4 sets of 8 reps at a 2/2 speed. All Abs were done with 12-15 reps and 3 sets

Monday: Chest+Abs
Bench Press
Machine Chest Flies
Incline Chest Press
Incline Chest Flies
Double Crunch 15 reps
Hanging Leg Raises 12 Reps
Wood Chops 15 reps each side
Side Bridge 1 min hold

Tues: Tricep
Tricep Press-Down
EZ bar skull crushers
Close Grip Dumbbell Press

Wed: Rest

Thursday: Bicep+Abs
Hammer Curls
Cable Curls
Scoop Dumbbell Curls
Incline Bench Curls
Double Crunch 15 Reps
Hanging Leg Raises 12 Reps
Side Bend with dumbbell 15 reps each side
Side Bridge 1 min hold

Friday: Back+Shoulders
Cable Row
1 Arm dumbbell row
Back Extension
Lateral Raise
Front Shoulder Raise
Shoulder Press
Arnold Press

Saturday: Legs
Leg Press
Hack Squat
Leg Extension
Leg Curl

Have fun and enjoy the workout! I am doing very min. Cardio just to help build the muscle more. I will be starting to run as soon as I am all moved in to Seattle and getting ready for running season. If you have any questions please leave a comment.

4 Sets 8 Reps